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A thought for D-day
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A thought for D-day
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Female Ruby Throated Humming Virginia
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Coopers Hawks Virginia
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Grey Pelican Virginia
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The blue jay = le geai
The magpie = la pie
The goldfinch = le chardonneret
The house sparrow = le moineau domestique
The barn owl = la chouette effraie
The great spotted woodpecker = le pic épeiche
The green woodpecker = le pic vert
The sharp-shinned hawk = l’épervier brun
The Eurasian wren = le troglodyte mignon
The downy woodpecker = le pic mineur ou petit pic épeiche
The carrion crow = la corneille noire
The barn swallow = l’hirondelle rustique
The collared dove = la tourterelle turque à collier
The short-toed creeper = le grimpereau
The wood pigeon = le pigeon ramier
The common chaffish = le pinson
The pilgrim falcon = le faucon pélerin
The sparrow hawk = l’épervier d’Europe
The crested tit = la mésange huppée
The grey wagtail = la bergeronnette des ruisseaux
The robin = le rouge-gorge
The blue tit = la mésange bleue
The great tit = la mésange charbonnière
Birds Rectangle
Which bird sings like this?
click mouse? ?

Cheese Rolling

1. Cheese Rolling
If you find yourself in Gloucester at springtime, don’t be too surprised if you see a field of adults in hot pursuit of a large round of cheese. Curious as it may be, the annual Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling and Wake is exactly what you’d expect from its name. A 3-4kg round of Double Gloucester cheese is released at the top of Cooper’s Hill. Competitors then chase after the rolling dairy, with the first person across the finish line declared the winner. First prize? The round of cheese, of course!

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cheese rolling
Listbox avec cercle coloré

some symbols and proverbs in Ireland.

0-where there's a will there's a way (quand on veut on peut) 1. Whoever is not strong must be clever (Celui qui n’est pas fort doit se montrer intelligent.) 2. Wine reveals truth (Les gens disent la vérité lorsqu’ils sont ivres.) 3. A good name is more precious than gold) (Une bonne réputation est la plus grande des richesses.)

4. Your feet will bring you to where your heart is (vos pieds vous guideront jusqu’à l’endroit où se trouve votre coeur.) 5. Still waters run deep (il faut se méfier de l’eau qui dort.) Even the smallest spark can light the greatest fire (La plus petite étincelle peut allumer le plus grand des feux.) Let sleeping dogs lie (Ne remuez pas de vieilles rancoeurs, laissez dans le passé ce qui appartient passé.) The more someone has the more they want (Plus on possède plus on veut posséder.) However long the day, the evening will come) (Quelle que soit la durée de la journée, le soir viendra.)

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Dark humour is a national trait.
The friendly Irish spirit makes the country a joyous place to stay, where you can expect some of the world’s best hospitality.
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  • Ireland is the most successful country in the Eurovision Song Contest.
  • Halloween was invented in Ireland. ...
  • Ireland has the largest number of red-haired people of any country in the world. ...
  • Ireland is the only country in the world to have a musical instrument as its national symbol.